Jasa Bypass / Unlock iCloud IPAD 2, IPAD 3, IPAD 4, IPAD MINI 1, IPAD MINI 2, IPAD MINI 3, IPAD AIR

Bypass / Unlock iCloud iPad 3G / GSM

Bagi yang iPad 3G / GSM nya terkunci iCloud lock, kami menawarkan jasa Bypass / unlock iCloud iPad 3G all type, dengan syarat sebagai berikut:

- iPad 3G / GSM: iPad 2 / iPad 3 / iPad 4 / iPad Mini / iPad Mini 2 / iPad Mini 3 / iPad Air
- Setelah dikerjakan iPad menjadi WIFI ONLY (3G / GSM tidak berfungsi lagi)
- Proses pengerjaan 1-2 hari (Kalau lagi tidak sibuk bisa ditunggu)

NB (Jangan ditanya lagi):
- iPad WIFI ONLY TIDAK BISA di bypass...
- iPhone TIDAK BISA di bypass...
- Khusus iPad Air 2 BISA di bypass sampai masuk menu, cuma WIFI belum bisa berfungsi karena iOS terbaru belum bisa dijailbreak...

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Eragon - Christopher Paolini

Christopher Paolini began writing Eragon when he was just 15 years old. Christopher's love of science fiction and fantasy shines through and will encourage young fantasy readers to pick up this hefty sized book.

The character of the book, Eragon, is a young farm boy, who finds a mysterious blue stone, in a field, while out hunting. He attempts to trade it for food for his family, without success. He had no idea the mysterious stone would hatch into a sapphire-blue dragon.

Eragon decides to secretly care for and raise the dragon. After his father is killed by evil forces known as the Ra'zac, he learns that he is the last of the Dragon Riders and the dragon egg was meant to find him.

In a race to hunt down those who killed his father he realizes his destiny is much larger then he knows, an entire Empire may be relying on him.

Eragon and his dragon Saphira must set out to find their roles in this Empire. They encounter many humans, dwarves, elves and nasty Urgals along their dangerous travels. It is a whole new world Eragon must face filled with ancient languages, magical powers, perilous situations and sudden battles.

Like many books of this genre, there are many names, places and ancient languages which may prove difficult to decipher at first. Maps and glossaries are provided to help sort things out. Despite this, the book is easy for young readers to grasp and pages will be flying fast.

Just when you think you get to the end of the book you find out the story doesn't end here. The second book in the Inheritance trilogy, Eldest, will be published next year (August 2005).


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